About Us

The Jesus Journey Story

My Dear Friend

It’s all about Jesus! This work is completely dedicated to Jesus. Without Him we are all hopelessly lost, and the tormenting flames of hell are our destiny. Our mission is to see Jesus empower people to live saved, free and whole lives while on earth, on their way to eternity in Heaven as His Beloved Sons and Blessed Daughters.

I’m reluctant to write anything about us–may we tell you Jesus story? God sat me down in April of 2020, just as the Covid virus began to sweep across the world. He told me to get my yellow pad. He began to show me my life, the lives of Americans, and others hurting and confused across the globe.

He Clearly Showed me the works of the devil and assured me Jesus came to destroy those works by His Blood. He showed me that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in us, my friends. The Jesus Journey was born. I’m well into my sixties now, I met the devil when I was only five, at the hands of my perverted, murderous Uncle. I have the most kind, loving, healthy parents the world has ever known. They humbly pastored a wonderful Texas church, ministering to thousands and thousands of faithful, growing believers for almost 40 years. They never knew my secrets.

I Got Saved

I went to Sunday School, and I started serving. This is the path of most believers. We join a Christian Community and worship and learn things about Jesus, but we don’t always experience Jesus Himself. We have great hurt and pain, but we don’t know how to deal with our suffering and secrets. I built up a prideful wall myself. I did not have the courage to be real. Jesus’ Journey nurtures our broken hearts and facilitates trust from heaven. The Church is the anointed Bride of Christ, and Journey is a tool to revive the hurting treasurers and flood the isles of the Church with new creations and healthy sons and daughters. Healthy sons and daughters reproduce themselves, Kingdom Builders develop, and Jesus is glorified!

I Stuffed all my weird and angry feelings, went to college, got married, had a beautiful family, started a successful business, became a deacon and a missionary, all with a closet full of giant infected secrets and pain. At the age of thirty-five, I broke. Pride overwhelmed me. I began to have affairs and drink heavily. Soon I was a clinically depressed cocaine addict, divorced, broke and virtually homeless. I was arrested over thirty times and was on the run from the cops. For ten years of my life, I had been devoted to the devil and my selfish foolishness. Miraculously, my victorious journey with Jesus began at the age of forty-five!

The State of Texas once called me Inmate #1525534, but today my Loving Father in Heaven calls me His Beloved Son…and Forever I shall be. How about you?

It will be my humble honor to walk with you through the pages of Jesus’ Journey. Abba Father has radically saved our anointed team of once-broken friends, set them free, and made them whole. Our team has prayed through each thought in this material and has asked for God’s blessing from heaven. Anytime you see the pronoun “I” in the Journey, you will know these are my thoughts and prayers to Jesus for you, my friend.

I’m Excited

I’m excited for you my special friends. You are beautiful daughters and beloved sons of God! God showed me that the reality of Jesus actually living in me had been missing my whole life. He showed me that a great host of wonderful people love Jesus but are unfortunately disconnected from His power.
We pray that God will use Jesus Journey to bring revival to His Church and fresh wind to the world. The Church is the Bride of Christ, the most precious creation in all the Earth. The gates of hell shall not prevail against Her Glory! May you journey with Jesus and know you are the Church, God’s most precious Treasure. I am praying for you my dear friend in Jesus’ Name, and I am excited to walk with you as Jesus liberates you, and makes you whole. Your destiny is to live forever in God's beautiful peace and rest as His beloved child. LET'S DO IT…TOGETHER!

Alan Johnson

Your Friend in Jesus

And so, dear brothers and sisters:

Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies dedicating all of yourselves, set apart as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship. And do not be conformed to this world any longer with its superficial values and customs, but be transformed and progressively changed as you mature spiritually by the renewing of your mind focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes, so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect in His plan and purpose for you.

Roman 12:1-2 AMP

A Tribute

Special shout-out to the original Jesus Journey Pioneers for your commitment and contribution to the Jesus Journey movement. You are God’s Treasure!