Jesus loves you. You may have experienced salvation through Jesus and are living in His promises—praise God! In Journey you will be exposed the deep blessings of God’s kingdom and His covenants you may have never personally activated. Your salvation will be refreshed and your appreciation for Jesus’ victory on the Cross will multiply. Perhaps fellowship with Jesus is new to you. Congratulations! Journey is the perfect place to begin and understand from scripture God’s kingdom of truth and spirit.
Classes teach you things that help you through life, but Jesus Journey is different. Jesus Journey is a lifestyle training that challenges you to go beyond homework of the mind into the heartwork of change. When you see this heartwork icon, get ready to get real with your heart and respond with your life.
The questions in each lesson are thoughtfully designed to peel back the layers of your life, like an onion, revealing the hurts and challenges you have experienced. It’s time to “Get Real”, quit stuffing your pain, and pretending you are okay. Heartwork includes projects diagrams, charts, and art developed to enlighten you as God moves you from bondage to victory in Jesus’ Name. You will be encouraged to meditate on these visual tools each day.
Each section, Kingdom Salvation, Forever Freedom and Wholly Healing concludes with an exercise called “Own It”. When you “Own It”, you overcome and testify the real truth of how God is transforming you through each phase in Jesus’ name. God will clearly reveal your progress as you crush your old man. You will literally see yourself becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus as you mark your personal milestone progress along the way. This has been our experience with those who have dedicated themselves to this Journey with Jesus.
To communicate with God—prayer is more than talking or silently thinking. Prayer includes meditating and listening with our heart. We allow Him to guide our heart, thoughts, and words (Jeremiah 33:3, Philippians 4:6-7, 2 Chronicles 2:14). Perhaps most important, is your honesty and vulnerability as we pray. When you see this prayer icon, be prepared to bring your whole heart, ears, and actions to the Throne Room of Almighty Jehovah God.
Your victory story is coming and it's going to be awesome.
God has gathered a team of once broken friends to pray and weep and develop Jesus Journey. When you see the Testimony Icon, you will be joining us in these experiences as Jesus restores and transforms us all with His love and truth.
At the end of the lesson you will respond to the question: How has God changed you through this lesson? Your answer will reflect the most impactful encounters you have had with Jesus in that specific lesson. Just as a caterpillar morphs into a beautiful but- terfly, so your life is being transformed by Jesus. Pray, meditate, and seal this take-away as God transforms your life. We encourage you to continue to meditate on these transformation points as you progress with Jesus from one place of Glory to the next.
We encourage you to be creative, honest, and vulnerable as you tell your wineskin story. Don’t be afraid to let go of those old lifestyles and limitations that separated you from God. Crush those limitations and walk with Abba Father in His Agape Love! Your new wineskin is the birthplace of your new story – your victory journey with Jesus! Previous journey graduates share their wineskins on the following pages. May they inspire you to be your awesome new self, as you build your new wineskin and prepare for new wine from heaven with Jesus! See some examples below from Journey alumni—click to magnify.